Write For Us
Do you have valuable insights, information, strategies, or any kind of knowledge to share about startups and digital marketing? BrandBusinessInfluence is looking for talented writers to contribute guest posts to our growing community of startup enthusiasts.
Why Write for Us?
- Reach a Targeted Audience: Your content will be seen by thousands of startup founders, marketers, and business leaders.
- Establish Your Authority: Showcase your expertise and build your personal brand in the startup ecosystem.
- Quality Backlinks: Gain a valuable backlink from a reputable digital marketing website.
- Social Media Promotion: We’ll share your post across our social media channels, amplifying your reach.
Submission Guidelines
- Original Content: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere.
- No AI-Generated Content: Although we do publish some AI-generated content that provides a unique value to our target audience. But most AI-generated content doesn’t provide the value our audience is looking for. That’s why we scrutinize the AI-generated content.
- Word Count: Articles should be between 500 and 2,500 words.
- Formatting: Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability.
- Actionable Advice: Provide practical tips and strategies that readers can implement.
- Data and Examples: Support your points with relevant data, case studies, or real-world examples.
- Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) and a high-quality headshot.
Please login to submit the post.
LoginHow to Submit
Ready to share your expertise? Follow these steps:
- Prepare your article following our guidelines (highlighted in the Submission Guidelines section).
- Fill out the form above and submit your post.
- Include your name, email address, and a brief pitch (2-3 sentences) about your article.
- Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within 5-7 business days.
By submitting your article, you agree to our terms and conditions, including the right for BrandBusinessInfluence to edit and publish your content.
Join our community of startup experts and help fellow entrepreneurs grow their businesses. We look forward to reading your insights!
Questions? Contact us at contact@brandbusinessinfluence.com.